To Worry or to Play?

I just found a really interesting post from the blog at called “How I Cured My Anxiety” by @charliehoehn and it was not at all what I was expecting to read.  The part that really clicked with me I copied below in quotes:


If you’re struggling with anxiety… Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I allowing myself to have regular guilt-free play with friends?
  2. Am I sitting and staring at a screen for most of the day?
  3. Am I consuming information that’s feeding my anxiety? (e.g. conspiracy websites, fear-mongering news)
  4. Am I moving enough each day to exhaust myself? (i.e. lifting heavy weights, playing sports, sprinting)
  5. Am I outside getting natural sunlight and fresh air each day? (I couldn’t get enough sun at the time, so I did 30-days of Vitamin-D + fish oil, along with Vitamin-B. Both helped me ease up and feel better)
  6. Am I sleeping eight hours per night?
  7. Am I consuming too many stimulants (caffeine, sugar, grain carbs) and depressants (alcohol, drugs) throughout the week?

Those are the areas that will help your anxiety tremendously, once you’ve taken steps to fix them.”


My day job is a Proposal Writer and in my free time I play a lot of video games, work on my fiction novel, short stories, and poetry, and read.  I thought I was playing a lot in my daily life because I do things I enjoy and have a job I’ve always worked for.  Then I tried to honestly answer these 7 questions and realized that playing and mentally decompressing are not necessarily the same things.  I am going to incorporate more play into my daily life because I struggle with anxiety and playing sounds much more fun then worrying.


“Sam I Am Too” Dialogue Scene

Sam I Am Too


CS:  You’re me!

FR:  I’m not you.

CS:  Yes, you are.

FR:  Nnooo…

CS:   Sure you’re not, but if you’re not me, then who are you?

FR:  I’m Sam

CS:  Me too!  See, you are me!

FR:   Whoa there turbo!

CS:  Alright fine, but if you’re not me, then how do you know about that time in the fourth grade where I-

FR:   Where you whoopee cushioned that guy after the pledge?  Haha

CS:  Ah-Hah!  You are me, or else you wouldn’t know that.

FR:   Yes I would, I watched you do it.  I was in that class.

CS:   Of course you were- you’re me!

FR:   No.  I sat in the back row, third seat from the corner.

CS:  hey!  Me too!

FR:  Really?  That’s pretty cool.

CS: yeah!

FR:  Hold on… you sat in the same seat as me?  How’s that work?

CS: Simple- We are the same person. Duh.

Both: This is weird.  Stop talking at the same time as me!  No you stop.

CS:  Hey you started it!

FR: What?  This is all your crazy idea, not mine.

CS:  Whoa there turbo.

FR:  That’s not funny.  I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here but it needed to be over five minuets ago.

CS:   I’m not pulling anything.  Look, I’m telling you- we’re the same person!

FR:  Right… Well I’m going to go call someone to get you some help ok.

CS:  Ok.  I’ll call too- cuz we’re the same person!  You don’t seem to get it.

FR:  Right. Anyway.  Hello.  Yes, I’d like to report a mentally disturbed person who’s been terrorizing me.

CS: Don’t listen to her!  She’s insane!

FR:   Hey!  You’re the crazy one!

CS:   What are you talking about?

FR:  What are you talking about?  Yes, I’m still here.

CS:   Me too.

Both:  Get off the phone!  This is my call.  You get off!

CS:  Look, shut up, I really don’t have time for these childish games.

FR:   You’re the one who started it.  Besides, if I’m you, then you’re telling yourself to shut up.

CS:  Ah-ha!  So you admit it!  You’re me!

FR:  If I admit it will you leave?

CS:  Yes I’ll- Hey!  What are you talking about?  If I leave you’d have to leave too!

FR: How about this, we leave together and then I ditch you!

CS: Ok!  Wait, that doesn’t work!

FR:   Sure it does!  Watch… This is me leaving!

CS:   Wait!  I know how to explain this!  Maybe we’re in an inter-dimensional portal and-

FR:   No.  That’s just stupid.

CS:   Fine!  I can see I’m not appreciated here, so I’m leaving.

FR:   Good, go torment someone else.

CS:   Don’t worry, I’m sure you will.

FR: Whatever.  Bye now.

CS:  Bye now.

Both:  This has been one hell of a weird day.